Observances of Royal House

and Portuguese Hagiology

1New Year’s Day
6Three King’s Day, Epiphany
10Saint Gundisalvus of Amarante
20 Saint Sebastian, Martyr. Patron of the Military Order of Saint Sebastian, said of the Arrow.
Set up, according to tradition, by King Sebastian, who would have instituted it around 1576, in Honor of the Saint of his Name, to especially grace those who had distinguished themselves in the war against infidels, in Africa or in the Far-East. It was restored in 1994 by Most Serene Dom Alberto, Duke of Loulé, through express authorization to his son, Most Serene Dom Filipe, Count of Rio Grande. This Order has the degrees of Necklace, Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Knight and Lady (Grand Cross, Commander and Merit).
22Saint Vicent, Martyr. Patron of Lisbon City.
1Regicide (murder of King Dom Carlos I of Portugal and Prince Royal Dom Luiz Filipe, his heir-apparent).
4Saint John of Brito, Martyr, jesuit missionary in Índia.
6Acclaim of the King Dom João VI of Portugal (1818).
18Saint Theotonius, Patron of the City of Viseu.
20Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto (little shepherds of Fátima)
1Blessed Miguel Carvalho and Companions (Martyrs).
8Saint John of God, born João Duarte Cidade, founder of the Catholic Order of Brothers Hospitallers.
12Proposal of the Nobility Arm in the Courts of 1674, for the Canonization of Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira – Saint Constable.
Easter – Ressurrection of O. L. Jesus Christ – Sunday between March 22 and April 25.
11Blessed Sancha of Portugal (1182-1229), Princess of Portugal, Cistercien founder of Monastery of Celas, where she lived, daugther of King Dom Sancho I of Portugal and Queen Dona Dulce.
23Saint George, Defender of the Kingom, Patron of Christian Cavalry.
29Constitutional Charter of the Portuguese Monarchy, donated by King Dom Pedro IV, in 1826.
2Blessed Mafalda of Portugal (1184-1252), Princess, Queen consort of Castille, cistercien nun at the Abbey of Arouca, daughter of Dom Sancho I, King of Portugal.
12Blessed Joana of Portugal (1452-1490), Princess, Dominican nun at the Convent of Jesus in Aveiro, daughter of Dom Afonso V, King of Portugal.
13Our Lady of Fátima. Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Fátima, First date of the pilgrimage to the site of Marian apparitions.
Most Holy Trinity, or Sunday Trinity. First Sunday after Pentecost- Invocation of the Royal Order of the Trinity).
Necklace Order conceived by King D. João V of Portugal (similar to the main Orders existing in the Courts of Europe for which he had his emblem designed). However, despite the Royal Intent, it would not be established in fact. It will be instituted, in 2003, as a Dynastic Order by the Most Serene Dom Alberto (descendant and representative of King D. João V), through powers granted to his son the Most Serene Dom Filipe, Count of Rio Grande. This Order has a single rank – that of Knight.
5Fernando of Portugal (1402-1443), “Ferdinand the Holy Prince”, son of Dom João I, King of Portugal, Master of the Knightly Order of Aviz, who died in captivity.
13Saint Anthony of Lisbon, friar of Franciscan Order, Doctor of the Church, Patron of the City of Lisbon.
17Blessed Theresa of Portugal (1176-1250, Queen of Léon, cistercien nun at Lorvão, daughter of King Dom Sancho I of Portugal.
24Saint John the Baptist, Patron of the City of Oporto, YHWHMerciful Blessing.
29Saint Peter, Patron of the City of Sintra, first Bishop of Rome, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it”, (Mt 16:18).
Corpus Christi, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Procession of Corpus Christi in Lisbon.
MOBILE FEASTMost Sacred Heart of Jesus, or Sacred Herat Devotion, symbol of “God’s boundless and passionate love for mankind”. (first Friday after the 2º Pentecost Sunday.
3Return of King Dom João VI to Lisbon (1821).
4Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen of Portugal, Patron of the Royal Order of Saint Elizabeth (Real Ordem de Santa Isabel).
The Royal Order of Saint Elizabeth was instituted by Prince Regent Dom João (future King Dom João VI), on July 4, 1801, in honor of His ancestor Queen Saint Elisabeth of Portugal. On 17 September of the same year, Prince Dom João granted it to his consort Princess Dona Carlota Joaquina de Borbón, who had the statutes published on April 25, 1804. The Order was exclusively for Ladies, and the number being limited to a maximum of 26 members, a number never reached until the end of the Monarchy.
7Blessed Diogo de Carvalho, (1578-1624). Portuguese  jesuit missionary martyred in Japan (edo Period)
8Landing of Portuguese Liberal Forces at Praia da Arenosa do Pampelido (1832).
18Saint Bartholomew of Martyrs, born Bartolomeu Fernandes, membero of the Order of the Preachers, Archbishop Emeritus of Braga.
24Liberal Forces seized Lisbon and restored the Constitutional monarchy (1833).
MOBILE FEASTOur Lady of Franqueira, Barcelos. Evocative of the first appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Portugal. 2nd Sunday in August.
12Blessed Amadeu da Silva, (1431-1482), Friar reformer of the Franciscan Order, born as D. João Menezes da Silva.
15Assumption of Our Lady.
17Saint Beatrice of Silva (1426-1492), Founder of the monastic Order of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. Born Beatriz da Silva e Menezes, sister of Blessed Amadeu da Silva.
14Elevation of the Holy Cross.
16Our Lady of Nazaré.
29Saint Miguel Archangel, Prince of Celestial Militia, Patron of the chilvary Oder of Saint Michael of the Wing. The Order (Ordo Equitum  Sancte Michaelis sive de Ala) it was founded, according to tradition, by King Dom Afonso Henriques on May 8, 1171, after the victory achieved over the Moors who had come to surround Santarém, as reported in the General Chronicle of Spain.
10Saint Francis Borja.
29Transfer of Saint Elisabeth, Queen of Portugal (1677).
1Death of the Saint Constable, Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira.
6Saint Nuno of Saint Mary, Saint Constable Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira, Patron of chilvary Order of Saint Nuno of Saint Mary.
The Order of São Nuno de Santa Maria was established in 2009, by the Most Serene Dom Pedro, Duke of Loulé, in commemoration of the Canonization of his ancestor the Saint Constable (of whom he is Representative). This Order has the degrees of Grand Cross, Commander, Knight and Lady (in the categories of Justice and Merit).
15Dedication of the Royal Basilica of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (Estrela Basilica).
1Restoration of Independece of Portugal (1640).
2Acclamation of King Dom João IV of Portugal(Founder of Dinasty of Bragança).
8Immaculate Conception, Queen of Portugal, Patroness of the Kingdom and Conquests, Patroness of the Military Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa.
The Military Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa was instituted by King on February 6, 1818, in honor of Immaculate Conceptiom patroness of the Kingdom of Portugal, venerated in the sanctuary of Vila Viçosa, and is also invocation of the Royal Chapel of the same village. The Order’s main purpose was to reward the civil and military merit of Portuguese and Foreigners, and its statutes were confirmed on September 10, 1819. The Order had three distinct degrees: Grand Cross; Commander and Knight. This Order was conferred by the Kings of Portugal until the end of the Monarchy (1910), being his last Grand Master King Dom Manuel II (+1932). Princes and Infants (sons of the King or of the Crown Heir) are born Grand Crosses of the Order.
25Christmas Day, birth of O. L. Jesus Christ.
31Saint Sylvester day.